It All Began with San Pedro

At the end of a life-changing weekend back in February 2023, a simple conversation in the kitchen became the spark that lit up my path. There I was, casually chatting with the ceremony facilitator about strategies to scale his business when it hit me—I was ready! In that ordinary moment, a remarkable thought danced into my mind: Could I turn this into a livelihood? What if I left corporate and worked for myself, helping soul-led entrepreneurs not just survive but thrive, turning their passions into profits?  The rest, as they say, is history.

Hi, I'm Fee

My journey led me to India for three months, where I underwent Panchakarma and earned my 200hr TTC at Sattva Yoga Academy in Rishikesh, in Himalayan Kriya Kundalini Yoga. A month of integration followed in Bali, during which the seeds of my business offering began to sprout, forming a semi-structured plan in my head.

The journey, though, was not the seamless flow I'd imagined. Wrestling with self-sabotage, procrastination and action paralysis, I found myself doing a redesign dance with my website four times before I finally took my own advice to heart: "Done is Better than Perfect".

In the thick of this murky transformative phase, I sat down for somel heart-to-heart chats with my target audience. I was all ears, soaking up their dreams, pain points and hurdles. A common theme emerged, and it hit close to home—tech overwhelm. From website platforms and email lists to hosting, domains, and the whole shebang of digital intricacies and software, it felt like a never-ending maze. I totally got their struggle because I'd been through it myself months earlier, catching up with the industry after a 3 year hiatus and mind blown by the explosion of options.

That aha moment became the guiding star for my niche. I've built my dream gig with one clear mission: to lend a helping hand in constructing your dream online presence with as little head fuckery as possible.

My superpower is helping women realise their potential to craft the life they truly desire. Through branding, web design, and marketing expertise, I empower them to manifest their dreams

Two days later, back at work on the Monday morning following that transformative weekend, I received an email out of the blue stating that my role as Communications Lead at a Top 4 Consulting firm had been made redundant. The synchronicity of this news was insane. Viewing this as a cosmic sign, I took the redundancy as an opportunity to prioritise my health and pursue my dreams.

The Diary of a CEO 


Himalayan kriya yoga


the autobigraphy or a yogi


Coffee or wine





My Favourite Things

Travelling and living abroad. In 2018-9 I was a digital nomad living in Bali

My happy place!

Foster puppies! Something compelled me to foster two 6 week old pups whilst setting up this business....

Daily meditation has changed my life. Taking the time to learn a proper technique in India has changed everything and it's now my non-negotiable.

My Favourite Things

Coffee. I know, I know, whilst everyone's switching it out for cacao or tea, I loooove my morning brew.

Friendships. As I get older, my friends have become my family. I love my tribe.

Always there for me

Kriya kundalini yoga. After trying many types of yoga over the years, I finally found my jam.

How Can I Help You?

This is for you if

  • You are just launching and dont have a heap of info right now
  • You have minimal copy and only a few images
  • You've been running your business on socials, and need a simple web presence
  • You've got a specific project, such as a retreat, event or launch.

empire creator

One-Page Wonder


launch lite

1,950 AUD + GST


If a sleek, one-page showcase is all your business needs, skip the fluff and dive straight into a streamlined experience. Get your story across with a single scroll, delivering impact without unnecessary complexity.

        the details

This is for you if

  • You need a comprehensive website without the usual waiting and email back-and-forth.
  • You want a professionally designed site with branding tailored specifically to your business.
  • You prefer to skip the procrastination and indecision, getting your website up and running swiftly, smoothly and in record time!

empire creator


The soulful suite

launch lite

5,500 AUD + GST


Best option for most.
Need a bit more depth without sacrificing speed? The Soulful Suite  experience is designed for those who crave efficiency and beauty. In just one week, watch your digital vision come to life as we create a professional 5+ page website and mini-brand tailored to you plus 30 days of branded social media templates to start you off with a bang!

        SEE the details

This is for you if

  • You're the kind of go-getter who wants a killer website without waiting around for months.
  • You're ready for a full-on website transformation.
  • You've got big dreams and need a website that can keep up—more pages, more impact, such as blog, podcast and sales pages.

empire creator

10 PAGE+ WEBSITE incl multiple sales pages, blog, podcast etc


launch lite

7,500 AUD + GST


Best place to dominate.
For established brands looking to elevate, join our two-week-long intensive  into the heart and soul of your business. This is not just a website; it's a bespoke journey where we immerse ourselves in creating a top-of-the-range, fully refreshed brand and website. Elevate your brand, captivate your audience, and make a lasting impact that converts.

the details

Choose from a sleek one-page wonder, our signature Soulful Suite of everything you need to launch or indulge in the pinnacle of luxury with our exclusive Empire Creator for the established brand.

All packages contain a mini-brand kit and Showit website, SEO optimisation and video training.

CHOOSE YOUR brand & website Adventure

10 Free Digital Tools that will change your life

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12 Brand Basics to Get Your Business Started

free download

 Free Resources

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The brand & web design experience your soul has been craving

Be fearless. Be bold. Outgrow, outrun and outdo. With a true one-on-one custom branding & website experiences made for energetically-attuned women building a creative empire.

Ready to lead the way?

apply for the experience here